Friday, November 18, 2011

OPI Polish Review!

So I have been dying to get some new nail polishes.

Well I finally was able to get one the other day.
I got the new OPI Stranger Tides from the Pirates of the Caribbean collection.
I want all of the polishes in that collection, but I could only find one. I snatched it before anyone else could! There was ONE bottle left, out of all the colors. I guess they are pretty popular.

So this is what the bottle looks like.

I put on OPI's base coat first to allow the polish to stick to my nail better. If you do not use a base coat, the polish will start to chip sooner. Make sure you apply the base polish all the way to the tip.

Then I put on the Stranger Tides polish. This is what ONE coat looks like.

It is a little blurry, but you get the idea. It is streaky and you can see my nail through.
Most, if not all, polishes require more than one coat, but I thought I would show you what one coat looks like.

I put on another coat, fairly thick. Some of my nails needed one more coat if I did not put the 2nd coat on thick enough.
Here is what it looks like after finishing.

You should always use a good top coat last. Some top coats are better than others, you will just have to try some out and see which you like best. You get what you pay for most of the time. I hate spending lots of money on nail polishes, but it is worth it.
I do not have a top coat on in this picture because I couldn't find it =(
Top coat makes it shiny and protects the polish underneath. And also keeps it from chipping so easily. 

These pictures are pretty close to the actual color. Computer screens vary and the colors may be slightly different, but on my screen it is pretty close. It looks a little different under different lighting anyway.
It is almost turquoise, but grey-er. lol. Green, turquoise, grey. Very pretty and different. 
I get lots of compliments when I wear this color.
Also, if you see the bottle in the store, the color you see is the color that goes on your nails. Maybe just a tiny bit darker on your nails, but almost exactly the same.
It goes on smooth and creamy! It is not hard to get off either. 

I love this color and I definitely want to get the rest of the Pirates of the Caribbean collection, they are all so pretty! I can't wait to do some nail art with this color!!!

Let me know what you think of this color if you have tried it!! Oh yeah, I got mine at Kroger =P but you can get it online at amazon or ebay.

Can't wait for Pirates of the Caribbean 5!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Officially Employed!

So you know how I was complaining about not being able to get a job?

Well, you'll never guess! (Or maybe you can, since I kind of gave it away in the title.)

Anyway, yes, I GOT A JOB!

You can not imagine my excitement!! I had put in a zillion applications at all different kinds of places around town, and after a few pointless interviews, someone called me from one of those places for an interview that was actually worth my while! 

The interview went well: Quick and smooth. Elaine, my boss, is extremely nice and understanding. We talked like we were old friends. By the end of the conversation (it was more a conversation than an interview) she was telling me that I had the job. She said, "I like you. I like your smiling face." What a compliment, huh?!

She called the next day saying she wanted me to start immediately. So that night, I hurried to walmart (cause it was all that was open at the time, and I wanted to see if they had any sales.) to get my uniform for work. I was looking for "work clothes". Ha! I don't think anyone else in the world has ever been so excited to get work clothes before!

I needed khaki pants and a very light blue polo. Well, I already had khaki pants so I searched for the perfect polo. Then I spotted a clearance rack full of polos! Wow. That was easy! Of course I figured they had every color imaginable except for the one I needed. Then I saw it. It was just sitting there waiting for me. A perfectly pale, blue, short sleeved polo with cute little buttons, right on top. For three dollars! I grabbed a handful before anyone else spotted my awesome find and got out of there before anything happened to ruin the awesome day of mine.

I didn't sleep much that night because I was so excited to get up and get ready for work. (ha, work! I'm still getting used to saying I gotta go to work!)

So I walked into the building wearing my khakis and perfect polo, with a smile on my face. Elaine introduced me to everyone working and they were all very nice and welcoming. Most of the day me and the other "new girl" did paperwork. Lots and lots of paperwork. Even that was fun. It meant that, with my signature, I would be officially employed! After that, we went onto the "floor" (heh! work lingo.) to get some stuff done! She showed us around and told us where we would be working. Then we cleaned. I cleaned glass and the other girl dusted. (The president of the company was coming in the next day!) 

Elaine came up to us a little while later and asked, "Are you ready to go home?!" My answer was no. Lol. I did not want to go home, I wanted to stay and work! ...But they didn't let me, I had already been there for six hours. Haha. I flew home to tell Christopher all about my day and my new job.

I can't wait for the holiday crowd!!!! BRING IT ON!!! =D

Friday, November 4, 2011

A. Kawasaki - Unbelievable Artist

Today, I stumbled across something that I cannot believe I have never seen before.

Audrey Kawasaki is not only an artist, she is an unbelievably amazing artist! Please click on that link and check out her work. The things she imagines and creates are simply gorgeous. Not that her work is simple, because it surely is not. I would LOVE to have her artwork hanging on my wall. Beautiful pieces of inspiration. I can look at her art all day and never get bored.  Most of her paintings are on wood and that gives them texture and color that is just amazing. She has her own style that cannot be imitated. I love it.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Respiratory Care Week

Respiratory Care Week is October 23-29!

"Respiratory therapists evaluate, treat, and care for patients with breathing or other cardiopulmonary disorders."
First of all, I am alive today because of respiratory therapists. Because I was born early, my lungs were not developed completely. What if there was not a therapist present? I would not have had a chance. I was fighting to breathe, and fighting to live. That respiratory therapist fought with me and gave me the chance to live.

In my first few years of life I was still sometimes struggling to breathe. When I would get sick, my asthma would act up. Quite a few times it turned into pneumonia and I had to be hospitalized. Respiratory therapists were there to take care of me and always did their job well.

The therapists were so caring and helpful. They took care of me, this baby girl that they didn't even know, and made me feel better.

My mom is a respiratory therapist today because of the wonderful experience she had in a not so wonderful time in our lives. Now she is helping people, young and old, to feel better just like they did for me so many years ago.

Thank you to all respiratory therapists out there for saving lives.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Same ol' Five Finger Death Punch.

Five Finger Death Punch released a new album called American Capitalist.

It is heavy, chunky, and screamy. Just like the other albums. As a matter of fact it is pretty much exactly the same as the others. Same voice patterns, same riffs, same double base, same growls, same subject matter (meaning he hates his ex... and everybody... and he will never be good enough for anybody and nobody cares).
This album is supposed to be based on evolving. "Either you change with the tides or get swept away in their wake. Either you can grow or you can stagnate." But honestly, it doesn't sound like they've changed at all. Still the same. Except for their very cheezy song "Remember Everything". Uck.

On a more positive note, if you have never heard any of 5FDP's songs, go take a listen. I will give you a few of my favorites.

Bad Company from the album War Is The Answer

And the whole The Way of the Fist album. That is the best one. I tried to pick favorites from the album, but I honestly love them all. And make sure you listen to Never Enough. It is a bonus track that can easily be overseen. But it is a good one =)

Let me know what you think about the new album. Or the band in general!

I have this sticker in my car window =) Love the spiky brass knuckles!

Evanescence "smacks you in the face"!

After five years of silence from Evanescence, they release a comeback album! The band has recently replaced some members that had left the band. Which, in my opinion, was a very good move because it gave the band a whole new sound. It still has the Evanescence feel, but it's not like anything they have recorded before. It is self titled, which was another good move in my opinion, because it is the beginning of a new band. Amy Lee, front woman and pianist, uses phrases like "it smacks you right in the face", and "its all over the place". Meaning that there is not a specific feel for the album. Every song is different. It is also the heaviest album she has done so far. I'm loving that about it!
I have always been a huge fan of the band, and have their other cd's and listen to them often. (I pretty much know every word to Fallen.) They are excellent, but I was ready for something slightly different. And that is exactly what they did, and what they needed to do. That way people don't get bored.
One of the best things about Amy Lee is her piano music. This new album is not piano heavy like her other albums, but it still has that beautiful piano in some of the songs. (Especially number six!) I'm glad they didn't cut that out completely, because that is one of the things that defines Evanescence. The new album is a perfect combination of heavy chunky riffs and flowing melodies. (I'm loving the drums in "The Other Side"!) And her voice, is amaaaazing, like usual.
She uses the word "fun" to describe the album. They had tons of fun making the album, and the album in itself is fun and something you can groove to. I am very happy with their new sound and glad they have recorded something they are proud of. Rock on guys!

Look for this album... and buy it!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid!!!! (I am!)

Everybody is afraid of something.

Some are more afraid than others, and some let that fear control their lives.

That's when it becomes a phobia. A phobia is an extreme and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that can interfere with everyday life. About 18% of people suffer from a phobia.

These people that have phobias are aware that their fear is unreasonable and ridiculous, but they cannot control it.

I sympathize with these people. Why? Because I have a few phobias of my own.

First, for as long as I can remember, I have been claustrophobic. This means I am afraid of small spaces and of being constricted. I do not like small places like elevators and small bathrooms, especially if there are a lot of people to rub against me. I feel like I cannot breathe. But the worst thing for me is when my body is being constricted and I feel like I cannot move. I cannot have my hands, arms, legs, or feet held down, and I can't take it when I feel like I cannot move my fingers or toes. I have always taken off my shoes and socks whenever I can. When I was a baby, my parents were constantly trying to keep shoes and socks on my feet. I have recently realized that the reason was because my feet feel like they are being squeezed! Even tightly tucked bedsheets drive my feet crazy.

Another phobia of mine is: ichthyophobia. You have never heard of this I'm sure. That is the fear of fish. Ridiculous, I know! I cannot look at a fish, touching a fish is out of the question, even looking at a picture of a fish is torture. The funny part is, I used to go fishing with my dad. And you're not going to believe this: I used to scale and eat the fish! UCK! *shudders* I can't even stand writing that sentence. I have no idea why my view of fish has changed, but it definitely has. I even have horrible nightmares about them! The one I remember most distinctly: I was standing in a store, like walmart, with fish tanks all around. Everywhere. Stacked on top of each other to the ceiling. They were all filled with fish. There was nowhere I could go. I kept yelling, but nobody would come. Then they all came crashing down on me, breaking, leaving the fish on and around me. I have never been so afraid in my life. Other dreams I have about fish are usually about the same. I run and run and run and can never get away from the tanks. I run and scream and panic until I almost pass out. ...I hate fish.

Here's another strange one: cetaphobia. This is the fear of whales. (I have also heard it called phallainophobia, but that also includes other aquatic animals.) I know, I know. I'm crazy, right? It's not ike I've ever met a whale, or ever will! I live in Tennessee, not many whales out this way. Seeing a whale on tv is the worst thing I could see. Hearing the sound they make is even worse!! I am getting chills just thinking about it. I have to close my eyes and steady my breathing just to continue. I. Hate. Whales!

I have never been to the beach, but between my fear of fish and whales, I am perfectly fine with that. I would like to go, to experience the beauty of it, but I'm afraid... of being afraid!

I know I am not the only one with these fears, because, well, otherwise, they would not have a name. And I have read about others having the same problem.

I know you are afraid of something. Please share your fears with me, whether it is an extreme phobia or not. It might make you feel better, or at the very least, make me feel better! =)

(I usually put a picture at the bottom of my posts, but I refuse to put a picture of a nasty fish or a big scary whale!!!!!)

Friday, October 14, 2011

"And I Love You So..."

This is Don Mclean's beautiful song "And I Love You So".
If you haven't heard it, please go take a listen. It is a very heartfelt, emotional love song.
Love conquers all.


And I love you so.
The people ask me how,
How I’ve lived till now.
I tell them, "I don’t know."

I guess they understand
How lonely life has been.
But life began again
The day you took my hand.

And, yes, I know how lonely life can be.
The shadows follow me, and the night won’t set me free.
But I don’t let the evening get me down
Now that you’re around me.

And you love me, too.
Your thoughts are just for me;
You set my spirit free.
I’m happy that you do.

The book of life is brief
And once a page is read,
All but love is dead.
That is my belief.

And, yes, I know how loveless life can be.
The shadows follow me, and the night won’t set me free.
But I don’t let the evening bring me down
Now that you’re around me.

And I love you so.
The people ask me how,
How I’ve lived till now.
I tell them, "I don’t know."


Like all other lovey-dovey mushy songs, I dedicate this to my sweet fiance, Christopher. I don't know how I ever lived without him.
And I will never have to again.

[[Painting by Paul Tokarski]]

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Job Search

Finding a job is hard. We all know that. Well, I have been trying for a good while now with no luck.
I had an interview a week or so ago at an awesome book store. The interview went well. I had a good shot at getting it. I knew I would love that job.

I didn't get it =(

I have been really disappointed about it. It's such a rough competition trying to find employment. I guess others were more qualified than me for the position. But how do I gain experience when nobody will hire me because I have no experience? It feels like a big circle going around and around and I have no idea how to do anything different than what I am already doing.

Anyway, I don't really know why I'm writing about this except to express my feelings and ask if anybody else is going through this as well..I know other opportunities will come up and I will find a job eventually, but I'm still pretty down about the whole process. I desperately need a job to support myself. What else am I supposed to do??

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

If I Could Write A Letter To Me...

"Letter To Me" is a country song written and sang by Brad Paisley. It involves him writing a letter as an adult to his younger self. Here are the lyrics in case you've never heard it:

If I could write a letter to me and send it back in time to myself at 17
First I'd prove it's me by saying look under your bed
There's a Skoal can and a Playboy no one else would know you hid
And then I'd say I know it's tough when you break up after seven months
And yeah, I know you really liked her, and it just don't seem fair
All I can say is pain like that is fast, and it's rare.

And oh, you got so much going for you, going right
But I know at 17, it's hard to see past Friday night
She wasn't right for you
And still you feel like there's a knife sticking out of your back
And you're wondering if you'll survive but
You'll make it through this and you'll see
You're still around to write this letter to me.

At the stop sign at Tomlinson and Eighth
Always stop completely
Don't just tap your brakes
And when you get a date with Bridget
Make sure the tank is full
On second thought forget it
That one turns out kinda cool
Each and every time you have a fight
Just assume you're wrong and dad is right
And you should really thank Mrs. Brinkman
She spent so much extra time
It's like she sees the diamond underneath
And she's polishing you 'til you shine.

And oh, you got so much going for you, going right
But I know at 17 it's hard to see past Friday night
Tonight's the bonfire rally but you're staying home instead
Because if you fail algebra, mom and dad will kill you dead but
Trust me you'll squeak by and get a C
And you're still around to write this letter to me.

You've got so much up ahead
You'll make new friends, you should see your kids and wife
And I'd end by saying have no fear
These are nowhere near the best years of your life.

I guess I'll see you in the mirror
When you're a grown man
P.S. go hug Aunt Rita every chance you can.

If I could write a letter to me...

When I was 17, I was having a tough time with some things. If you know me, you know what they are. I'll just leave it at that. I thought my world was ending and my life was over. I couldn't possibly recover. Not from this. How can God do this to me? I thought He wanted me to be happy?? I am NOT happy! And I am NOT happy with God!!!!!! Forget church, forget prayer. Forget trying to live life faithfully. Forget really living. No, I was not suicidal, but I also didn't care what my life consisted of. Alcohol and drugs never really came into my life, but I would have welcomed them I'm sure. At that point, I really didn't care. I didn't care about anything. My life, my world, my body.
But my family I did care about. That was the only thing. I hid my misery as much as I could. I didn't want them to worry. I wanted them to know that I still loved them, if nothing else. But I felt like I would never be happy again. The only sliver of happiness I felt was when I was with them.

And my best friend Anastasia.
Anastasia understood. Not that my family didn't, but sometimes I needed someone other than family to talk to. When she was upset, she would cry on my shoulder. And when I was upset, I would cry on hers. Sometimes literally. We spent lots of time in the ROTC class and bathroom crying, talking, and trying to make sense of this crazy world. Where would I have gone if I didn't have her? There's no telling where I'd be. People didn't understand us, but we liked that. It was like we were in our own little world and nobody else was allowed in. They would get lost anyways.We could always make each other laugh. She'd say, "Hurry say something funny, before I start crying again." We had a bond that could not be broken. A special bond that I will forever cherish.

Now back to the song I was talking about. My sister made me listen to this song when I was smack in the middle of my no-good miserable life, thinking it couldn't get any better. She said, "This is your song." "I promise it will get better." And,"You have so much going for you, don't ruin it." I was kind of aggravated at the time thinking that she had no right to tell me these things because she couldn't possibly understand and I didn't want to talk about it. I never wanted to talk about it.
But then I realized she did understand. She really did get it. She knew because she had been there too. She was telling the truth. I was going to make it through this. I will still be here despite the agony I was feeling.
Since that first time I heard that song, I tried to take control of my life. I decided I would no longer suffer.
My sister saved me.

I needed to quit feeling sorry for myself . I DO have a lot going for myself. I have a fantastic family and a best friend I could really count on. And a life to be proud of. I wasn't there yet, but I would be one day, and I had to just keep telling myself that. That made me feel better. A little better every day.

After a little while, I found my happiness again. I found my Christopher. He popped up out of nowhere, ready to sweep me off my feet. We fell in love quickly. He was willing to deal with all my crazy problems at the time, and dealt with them well. He never left my side and loved me unconditionally. That is exactly what I needed. I needed to see that someone could love me for who I was, issues or not. I was not a worthless piece of trash and I could make somebody really happy. He did not try to change me. He embraced my lifestyle, my hobbies, my sense of adventure, my love of simple things, my craziness, and even my family. I knew I would love him forever. I knew we would be inseparable. I knew I would be spending the rest of my life with him. I cannot wait to marry my soul mate.

God has blessed me with a wonderful life. God has ALWAYS blessed me with a wonderful life. I was always blessed, whether I realized it or not. My life was not over, my world was not crashing down, I just had to wake up and crawl out of the black pit I had made for myself. I could not ask for more. I thank God every day for looking over me and giving me what I need. I have never been on my own. He has never left me. He has given me a beautiful body that I should respect, a family that I could not live without, and a man that not only loves me but loves Him as well. My life is perfect. My life is beautiful. My life is worth living. Really living.

[[so happy]]♥

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Adele - Lovesong

I absolutely LOVE this song. It is a cover of The Cure's Lovesong. But her version is better :)
This is dedicated to my sweet fiance, Christopher. I love you forever.

Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am young again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am fun again

However far away I will always love you
However long I stay I will always love you
Whatever words I say I will always love you
I will always love you

 [Painting by Danny Roberts]

Videos of Adele 
Adele - Somebody Like You

Please go listen to this song. It is the most beautiful song I have ever heard in my life. It gives me chills and makes me cry every single time. I can't stop listening to it.

Adele - Rolling In The Deep

This is the first song I heard by Adele. Like the rest of them, this is a heartbreak song, but a fun one :)

I Found A Boy by Adele

My favorite lyrics from the song:

I ain't yours for no taking,
You must be mistaken
I could never look in your eyes, and settle for wrong
And ignore the right

Well I found a boy who loves me more,
Than you ever did me before.
So stand beside the river you'll cry
And let yourself down!
Look how you want me now that I don't need you.

Admiring Adele

My newest addiction: the British singer/songwriter, Adele. She is a beautiful person with an unbelievable voice. The lyrics she writes are fantastic. I love every song of hers. So much soul and emotion bellows out of her, it captures you and allows every emotion you are feeling to explode from your heart, most likely spilling tears. She loves deeply and hurts deeply, as you can tell from her performances. She does not try to hide it. She does not try to hide who she is and what she feels. I admire her.
Go to her website and listen to her songs. I have to listen to at least one every day!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Invisible Illness Week

I am one day late for National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week. Although I think it should last all year 'round. But I will tell you what it's all about and what it means to me.

Invisible illnesses, any illnesses for that matter, are something we should all acknowledge. It can be physical, it can be mental, it can be just a series of symptoms. These diseases could be anything from cancer, autoimmune, or diabetes to something like migraines. Anything that causes pain can be included.

Most people, 1 in 2 people in fact, have some sort of illness that they have to deal with. 96% of them are invisible. Meaning, the person appears healthy on the outside and are not using a cane or any assistance device. Whether it be a "major" illness or a "minor" illness, they should all be considered significant because each of those people are suffering with pain and the frustration of trying to control it.

Physical illness or uncontrollable pain are the main factors in 70% of all suicides. We should all become more aware and educated about these illness and what the people around us are having to deal with.

If you have an illness, please educate the people around you. Maybe if more people understood, that suicide number would go down. All that people want in life is for people to understand or someone to listen. It is amazing what people can overcome with faith, love, and encouragement. Let your illness known so we all know who to direct our efforts toward.

You can fight your disease. It does not have to bring your spirit down. It does not have to drive away your family and friends. They are there to help lift you up.

Please watch this video. It is beautiful and inspiring to anyone who has or know somebody that has cancer.

Last Night's Dream

My sister and mom are cooking in the kitchen. I walk over to the fresh coconut they have recently cracked open. I scrape off a sliver of the crunchy, white fruit with my fingernail and bring it to my mouth. The milky, coconut taste is more refreshing than I ever imagined it could be.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Drive Through Crazies

Me and Christopher were at the speaker at the McDonald's drive through. We wanted some ice cream. Right after we gave our order, the lady said, er, yelled, "I AIN'T DOIN' IT!" ...... she waited a second, realizing her microphone was still on and said, "Oh........ Sorry." And we all laughed. We're like, "We just want our ice cream!" LOL. We pulled up to the window, all still laughing, and she apologized again, saying someone had told her to clean to deep fryer and she didn't want to. Lol! It was so funny =)

ENT Adventures

So I got an ear infection. I went to the doctor and they couldn't figure out what kind of infection it was. Antibiotics and pain meds weren't working. It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for the excruciating pain. This went on for three weeks. I never thought an ear infection could hurt so bad. I finally went to the ear, nose, and throat doctor and he fixed it no problem. Thank goodness!

Well, about a month and a half later... it comes back! Great. I knew exactly what it was right away so I call the ENT again to make an appointment. I had to wait a few days so the pain was back before I could get in with the doctor.

I get to my appointment ten minutes early. I thought maybe they would go ahead and call me in. Wishful thinking, I guess. I had to sit in the waiting room for an hour. Dear Lord, hurry up I'm in pain over here!!!! They finally called me back. Thank goodness. Not really. I had to sit in the room for another thirty minutes. Really?!

So the nurse decides to came in to take my blood pressure and temperature and all that important stuff. She puts the cuff on my arm, leaves to get something, and comes back. She takes my temperature and says, "Okay! We're all done!" And starts to leave the room, rolling her equipment with her. "Um, don't you need to take this cuff with you?" She left it on me and was going to drag me out the door with her! LOL. Oh geez.

Then the doctor comes in. Okay, now we can get the ball rollin'.
He takes me into another room because he is going to clean out my ear. I already knew that was going to happen, so I was ready to go. Last time it didn't hurt. This time it did.

So he cleans all the goop out of my ear. Ahh. I can hear! We have to go back into the first room to put in medicine, so I get up off the table and try to follow him. I guess he is in a hurry cause he is practically running. I try to keep up and......... run smack into the wall. I didn't just tap my shoulder on the door frame or something. I ran, full body, into the wall beside the door. I was probably two feet away from where I was supposed to be walking. Wow. Embarrassing! I couldn't help but laugh. Thankfully nobody saw me!

I think to myself, "If I can just make it to that room, right there, I can sit down then I'll be okay." I concentrate really hard and finally make it to that room.
I sat down and ask him, "Does that normally make people dizzy?"
"Yes. Always."
"Thanks for warning me BEFORE I slammed my face into the wall!!!"

I was so glad to get out of that place.
This stuff ONLY happens to me.

Thankfully, my ear is better. I have to put a cotton ball in my ear when I shower to keep water from going in there. Then drops after. Daily. Forever. It sucks, but if that's what I have to do, then I'll do it! Just as long as I never have to feel that excruciating pain ever again! :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Kitty Kitty. I love you!

Dear Echo Monster,

This morning I woke up with you curled on my face.

I was sweating to death.

But I love that about you.

I love that you like to snuggle my face.

I would know something was wrong if I woke up and you weren't snuggling me.

You are snuggling me now, and I couldn't be happier.

You make me smile. You cheer me up when I'm sad. You calm me down when I'm angry.

You meow at me like your world is ending, when you really just want me to pick you up.

You follow me everywhere, even to the toilet.

You make me lazy.

I would love to just stay home all day and cuddle.

I love when you "make biscuits" on my neck. It hurts, but I know it just means that you love me.

Sometimes you bite my neck and face too. I'm trying to break you from that. Ouch.

You get mad when I wake you up. I'm sorry, but sometimes I need to pee.

I love you and your Daddy more than anything in this world.

You have gotten me through so much, I can't imagine being without you.

I can't wait till me and your Daddy can give you a big house to run in with lots of toys and things to climb on.

Hopefully, that will be soon!

I love you forever.

Love your Mommy

P.S. Stop trying to eat Boogie. He is not your lunch.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

To Fly... (Part 1)

One of my favorite things in the world is flying. To feel weightless in the air, 37,000 feet high, is such an adrenaline rush. There is nothing else like it.

Seeing clouds from below is one thing; looking at them from above is something completely different. I think clouds are one of the most beautiful things in nature, but to be able to see the tops of them is just amazing. At this angle, it looks as if we are scooting over little, clumpy cotton balls, and they seem to be happy to see us, like they are helping us along, or prepared to cushion our fall. The wispy ones look like they want to play as we start to woosh past. And they do. They circle around us then wave goodbye.

The sun is setting and it also seems to be below us. It is an odd feeling being on top of the world, feeling so free. Lines of pink, blue, and yellow are on the horizon, bidding us goodnight. We are heading more into darkness and the tiny towns below us are flicking on lights. The cars look like little soldier ants with flashlights all marching toward their destinations.

It is very peaceful on board, nobody around me to bump elbows with or to snore on my shoulder. There are only a little over twenty passengers on this flight. It is dark inside, except for the little light on above my head. I feel like I am alone, like this is my own personal jet taking me wherever I want to go.

Outside is dark now, too. We are high enough that we can no longer see the towns under us, and everything seems to be still. The only thing I can see is the lights on the tips of the wings flashing into the clouds making it look as if it is raining. It's beautiful, even in darkness. 

I am in row seven. Not my lucky number, but only one down. Close enough. I already feel lucky just being able to experience this. I am sipping on wine and relaxing. Okay, not wine. Diet Dr. Pepper. But that doesn't sound quite as relaxing as wine. My tummy and ears are starting to feel our descent. I am turning off my light and enjoying the landing. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Jaycee Dugard's Stolen Life

 The people of America, as well as other countries I'm sure, remember the heartbreaking story of little Jaycee Dugard.

 If you haven't heard the story, you are missing out on one of the most outrageous kidnapping stories in these parts. I call it a "story" because it has been told over and over, but it is no myth. It is not the plot of a horror movie (though one day it may be), it is not an old wives' tale to scare little girls, it is in fact the true telling of this young girl's stolen life. Perhaps you have been avoiding the subject. For that I wouldn't blame you. For me it is unbelievable. I wouldn't use the word "interesting", however, because a story like this, so violent and heartbreaking, about a little girl's unfortunate kidnapping and torture, should not simply be "interesting". It is something we should always remember. It is something we should learn from and teach on. It is a story that deserves to be told for the sake of our children and their futures.

 The world should not be a scary place, though it is. We should, as a people, teach the importance of love, care, and respect towards others. But also safety. What we have to do is strive to make this a safer and more loving place for the future generations. This, however, will not be a simple feat. It will take time, patience, and dedication, but I believe that if we all work hard at this, things like what happened to poor Jaycee will no longer be a normal occurrence.

 After Jaycee was discovered, eighteen years after her kidnapping, she decided to write a book. A memoir, in fact. She recalls the whole ordeal, eighteen years in full detail. I guess some things will never escape our memory, no matter how hard we try to remove them.

 I read this book of hers. Some people ask me why I would want to know such things. I believe it is a learning experience, an eye-opener, and like she said, everybody needs to know what these horrible people did. It gave me nightmares for two weeks straight, so I warn you beforehand, this is a very difficult book to read. I haven't been able to get it off my mind and my heart still aches for her. I believe it always will. I encourage you to read the memoir. It is a story of such strength and bravery coming from such a young, innocent little girl. She survived. The love of her family got her through day by day. Not only from the memory of the mother and sister that she used to know but also from her two daughters she gave birth to in captivity, the first being delivered when Jaycee was only fourteen. She never gave up and it finally paid off.

 If you have read this book or had been following the news reports on the subject, please tell me what you think. I would love to hear your take on the matter, whether it be the same or different from my own. If you wish to know the whole story, I say read the book. It is A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard. I got my copy at Target, but it being a national bestseller, I'm sure you can find it anywhere.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

For One More Day by Mitch Albom

Today, I read For One More Day by Mitch Albom. It has been sitting on my shelf for months. The only reason I haven't read it is because there always seemed to be another book that looked more interesting. This book cover is pretty plain: Burgundy with a dark blue and red border with a tiny drawing of a house and white letters. But remember what they say: Don't judge a book by its cover. This book looks simple and uninteresting, but I think that is what Albom was going for. He cherishes the simple things in life. And writes about them so we don't forget to cherish them as well.

For One More Day is about love. A mother's love in particular.

The question is: What would you do if you could spend one more day with a lost loved one?

The main character, Charley, 53, has had a hard life. He turns to alcohol to ease the pain of being alone, since he has driven his family away. His father left when he was a boy and he did not have the best relationship with his mother. He decides to commit suicide. But he sees his mother that had died years before. She explains to Charley things he had never understood before, like why his father left and the sacrifices she had to make to be a successful mother.

This book reminds you to appreciate the people that love you. To cherish the short time you have with them. Love heals all. Sometimes we just need someone to show us what unconditional love is and what it can do.

Here as some quotes from the book that I felt a connection with.

"Being unheard is the ground floor of giving up, and giving up is the ground floor of doing yourself in."
*(My thoughts: Sometimes we just need someone to listen instead of judge.)*

"Mom: It's just a sound really, a hum interrupted by open lips. But there are a zillion words on this planet, and not one of them comes out of your mouth like that one does."

"It's such a shame to waste time. We always think we have so much of it."

"And I realized when you look at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know."

"You have one family. For good or bad. You can't trade them in. You can't lie to them. Sticking with your family is what makes it a family."

"Secrets: They'll tear you apart."

"You need to keep people close. You need to give them access to your heart."

"One day spent with someone you love can change everything."

10 Years!

My fiance had gotten me tickets to see 10 Years at a small venue in Nashville. A surprise of course, because we both love surprises. Especially surprises for no reason at all except that we love each other. This was one of those times.

I put on a cute "going out" outfit that I don't usually wear, because I don't ever have any place to wear it. Sequin-y top with jeans and flats. I sprayed my hair and put on make-up. (The shoes were a bad idea. I had blisters by the end of the night!)

We met our friends there: My sister, brother-in-law, Davy, Erica, my brother, El, and his new, very sweet and cute girlfriend.

Two bands performed that I had never heard of: Maylene & the Sons of Disaster and Adalene.
Maylene & the Sons of Disaster is a metalcore band from Alabama. Here is their website. Favorite song is Step Up. (Video on youtube.)
Adalene rocks from Nashville, TN. Here is the site. Be sure to listen to Little Sister. I like it best.
 I am a new fan of both bands.

Then, 10 years came on stage. Oh, boy!! There was only, I'd say, a hundred or a hundred and fifty people there, so we were pretty close to the stage! They were louder than the other bands, of course, so you could feel the music. That is the best part. When you can literally feel the music in your chest, in your feet, and in your bones. The crowd was amazing. Everybody was jumping, headbanging, fists in the air, and they were all singing every word to every song. The band thanked us for being the best crowd they had. They could feel the love and support, they said.

The last song they played was Shoot It Out. My favorite. I screamed all the words along with everybody else and jumped and flailed until it was over and I was out of breath. SUCH an amazing show.

The drummer broke quite a few sticks during the awesome amazing rock-fest. So he threw them into the crowd for souvenirs. My brother-in-law caught one, of course, cause he's lucky like that.

I, along with some other people, were scouring for lost picks or broken drumsticks left on the floor. I found a pocket knife. Not what I wanted, but hey at least I got something to bring home! Lol!

I will give you a link to the band's page and also their video of Shoot It Out so you can fall in love!

If you ever get a chance to see them live, do it! They put on one of the best shows I've ever seen. I have seen them twice and will still see them every chance I get!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Anniversary in Chattanooga

My fiance surprised me with an anniversary vacation. To Chattanooga! I'd never been there! It was our three year anniversary. Three years! We were both very excited. It was also our one year engagement anniversary.

I didn't know where we were going until we got there. He's so sneaky.

The first day Christopher took me to an art garden. There was beautiful sculptures and amazing buildings. Then we walked around downtown Chattanooga, just enjoying the town and each other. The second day he took me to Rock City and Ruby Falls. They were both incredible. I think I lost half my body weight through sweat, but I enjoyed every second of them both. That night we went on a ghost tour through the town. It was creepy and so much fun. My feet hurt so bad, but I tried not to complain because I was having the time of my life.

I can't believe that in the next few years me and Christopher will be married! I will have a wedding band on my finger and I will have his last name. I cannot wait for that day! I cannot wait to start a family!
Me and Christopher drinking old school coke in the art district.

Cori crawls with my heart in her hands.

Cori is crawling.

Can you believe it? She is no longer the tiny baby she used to be. She is growing into a big girl. She sits there by herself and plays, and when she wants something else to play with, she crawls over to it and gets it! So independent. So grown up. Already.

Of course other things come along with the little ones growing up. Like throwing fits! Cori has learned to scream. And she has learned that we pay attention to her when she screams. This is where the discipline comes in. Mama and Dada, get ready!

Just the other day, I was leaving the house. I gave Mom and Cori a kiss goodbye and started to leave. Cori started to cry. She didn't want me to leave =( It was so sad. It's strange how we already have such a strong bond between us. I went back upstairs, of course, to give her another hug and kiss goodbye. She cried again. This could go on all day. LOL. I had to just bite my tongue, hold my breath, and walk out the door. It was hard to do.

She is my little angel. My sunshine and my cuppycake. She has my heart in her little tiny hands.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Baby's First 4th of July

Independence Day. The day of celebrating our freedom in America. Our freedom to do what we want. Freedom to say what we want. Freedom of religion. Freedom to raise our children how we see fit. Definitely an occasion to celebrate.

This past Fourth of July was my niece's very first. Her Momma and Mimi (grandma) went to get her some fireworks.They asked the salesman for some that did not go very high and that were not loud. LOL. I'm not sure he had ever had that request before then.

He obviously found what they had asked for because the fireworks were... quiet. ...and boring.
But that's okay because Cori was already kind of scared. She didn't quite know what to think.

We did have my favorite kind of fireworks, though. Sparklers! We wrote our names in the air like little kids and had lots of fun. Sparklers never get old.


This is supposed to say "Coraline" but my battery ran out before the "E" was finished.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Learn From What's Different

I am wondering why people think they are superior to others.

Yes, some people got lucky and have nicer genes, more money, a more supportive family. But that, by no means, makes them a better individual. Richer is not better. More attractive is not superior.

God created us all equal, so why can't we treat people the way they deserve to be treated? As equals?

I'll tell you what happens when people and their beliefs are not respected.
The Holocaust happens. Mass genocide happens. That is exactly why these horrible things happen, because somebody thinks they are better than others. Or one group feels superior to another group.

The Holocaust is a worst case scenario, I realize. But my questions are, Why did we all let it get that far? Will it happen again? Why did it happen in the first place? Why do people not realize what an important thing it is to respect others? How many people have to be killed? How many people have to take their own life before we realize that something has to change?

How would it feel to know someone thinks you are a low-down-no-good-piece-of-trash when you know you are not? When you have never done anything wrong to them nor anyone else? When you have never done anything but be the best that you can be?

Please think of this next time you judge somebody. Instead, think about how interesting they are because they are different from you. Think about what you could learn from them. You would be surprised.


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Christopher's Internship Interview

Today my fiance, Christopher, has an interview for an internship. His first one.

I am so proud of him.

He is so professional, friendly, thoughtful, creative. He is guaranteed to get it. I don't see how someone can NOT just fall in love with his personality right on the spot. 

I sure did. 
And so did my family. 
We just love him to pieces.

He doesn't even seem nervous. So confident in himself. I admire him.

He looks so cute in his tie.
Nice and neat, his face freshly shaven.
Oh yeah, and he smells delicious. =o)

As close to perfect as I could ever imagine.

I would be very excited to tie his tie, cook him breakfast, give him a smooch and a "Have a great day!" every morning of my life.

Good luck Christopher, you will do great!


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Typical Day As Me

So I had quite an eventful day.

My sister asked me if I wanted to go with her to town to take her 6 month old to the doctor for her routine check-up. Of course, wanting to spend as much time as possible with them, I said yes.

The day started out pretty good. I didn't want to get up out of my cozy cocoon, as usual, but seeing Cori's sweet face made me want to get up and play as quickly as possible.

In order to keep from walking like a zombie, I made a stout pot of coffee. Starbucks French Roast. Mmm. In fact, that is what I am doing now, snuggling up with my coffee cup. And yes, it is almost nine thirty at night. But I simply cannot resist.

So after my coffee, we got the baby and ourselves ready to go. In that order of course. Because baby always comes first whether you realize it or not. Baby fed? Check. Diaper changed? Check. Her face washed? Check. Toys, sippy, snacks? Check, check, check! Ok, we're ready! Oh wait, I forgot to put my pants on...

So after we were completely ready, pants and all, we were off to the doctor! Well, it wasn't as simple as we thought it would be. We had to put the car seat in my car, which isn't really baby-friendly. Of course we had the bright idea to put it behind the driver's seat. My seat. Just to give you a visual, my car is very low to the ground and the seats are leaned back like in a cool dude's ride. Not that I am a cool dude, it's just that they are not comfortable any other way. So when the little chubster was all buckled in, I went to put my seat back to it's original position, and, well, it didn't go back to it's original position because of the car seat. Instead, it had to be pushed all the way up and the back was straight up and down. Actually, it was past straight up and down. It turned into a taco. So I squeezed in there, sucking my belly in. I didn't exactly fit. My knees were in the dash, and my chin was over the steering wheel. Well, I couldn't do much about it, because we were in a hurry, like normal, so I had to just drive. I would have let my sister drive, but her legs are longer. Her knees would have been at her ears.

Well, the doctor visit went well. Baby Bean got three routine shots. The poor thing. She was not happy about it, but she got back to babbling in no time, saying da-da-da-da-da. That is her new sound she learned. :)

Getting in the car, an ugly, noisy, red-eyed cicada landed on my bare arm. I flicked him, and he decided to get me back by going up my skirt. Son of a...

Then, we went to see Mimi at work! We could not get a hold of her because she was busy and working hard. So we waited. Then we decided to go to her department and wait for her there, since it had AC. We waited some more. Our tummies were gurgling. We discussed cannibalism. But ate a few baby puffs instead. Mimi finally showed up! YES! Fooood! She went straight for the baby, wanting to show her off to all her friends. There was a crowd around wanting to see. We are used to this by now. So we waited for Mimi to get done boasting. Waiting. Waiting. Okay mom, we're really hungry.

We went on down to the cafeteria to wait for Mimi to get her work done, and to feed the little one. Waited some more. Waiting... She's here! So we got food, finally, and scarfed it down like we had never eaten before. Nothing interesting there. The interesting part came when this cleaner guy flew by on the other side of the windows, riding something. I'm thinking, okay, he's cleaning the floors with one of those buffer things. He was going faster than I thought those things could even go. And he went back and forth about five times. Okay, that hallway is not that wide. Lol. Every time he would fly by, my sister and I would just crack up. Without saying anything. Cause we have a special connection and a language of our own that does not require words. Mom was like, what are you laughing at?! So after thirty minutes of laughing, sister says, ooooooh he must be cleaning the floors. Uhh, DUH! What the heck did you think he was doing?! Hahahaha!! So there we went again, laughing so hard that it echoed. We decided it was time to leave.

THEN, I remembered that I needed to get gas.

Now here is where the story gets really interesting.

I go past Kroger, which is where I need to get gas. No biggie, there was another entrance on the other side. I do that kind of thing all the time.

So I pull up to the pump next to this really nice black SUV. My sister goes to prepay. I keep the car on and wait for her to get back. She comes back so I get out and go to start pumping. She's like, um you gotta turn off your engine. Oh my gosh, I can't believe I forgot to turn off my car. What an idiot I am.

So I turned off the engine. Shut the door. Made sure the pump said it was ready to begin fueling. I went to open the tank and I couldn't find it? I know it is here somewhere?? OMG. I parked on the wrong side!!! Hahahaha!!!! I told my sister and of course, we laughed so hard I almost peed myself. WOW, now that's embarrassing.
Now I will remind you, I have had this car for three years and have gotten gas many times. I have no idea why I did that. Since we had already paid for that certain pump, I had to get in and back up so I could turn around and pull in from the other side. BEFORE someone else stole my prepaid pump. And without waking the baby.

Well, I pulled in, the right way, and the guy fueling the SUV beside me was laughing. He said, You wanna know a hint? Of course I do, anything would help at this moment. He said on most cars, beside the gas gauge, there is a picture of a gas pump. If it is on the right side, that is where your gas tank is. And if on the left, that is where your tank is. Ohmygosh, I so did not know that! Thank you so much! (He probably thought I was 16 and just got my first car. Hahaha!)

Okay, so I walked around to the passenger's side, where the tank actually is, and went to open it. OMG again. I forgot to pull the stupid lever that releases the door on the tank. It's on the driver's side. Instead of having to walk all the way back around, and having that guy see me, I made my sister pull it. She couldn't find it so I was trying to direct her to the stupid thing, so I'm sure he saw me anyways, and knew I really was an idiot.

Okay, geez. I can start fueling. That went fine, thankfully. I didn't spill it or anything, like I expected.

I went to get my receipt. And I always feel stupid waiting for it, staring at the gas pump, when it never spits out anything.

Okay, well, no receipt. I walked back around to get in, and realized that not only did I leave the little door open, I forgot to put the lid back on the tank! They were both hanging there, wide open. OMG once again. Can I really have this much bad luck at ONE gas station? Or am I just THAT stupid?! And yes, the guy in the fancy SUV saw me be stupid. Of course. He drove off laughing.

FINALLY after thirty minutes of getting just $20 in gas, I could finally squeeze back in my car and leave.

We made it home alright, in case you were wondering. We expected to hit a flying turtle or something, the way our luck and weird day was going!

Let's see what tomorrow brings...
At least my life is never boring.  :)


Friday, May 27, 2011

Very First Blog / Making Memories

Hello everybody :]
Obviously, you have noticed that this is my first blog post on here. Well, this is also my first blog post ever! I have decided to blog. To be a blogger. Now, for my reasoning. I realize as I get older (I am now 21) that life goes by too fast. I know that I am still very young, but I don't want to find myself sitting in a chair when I'm in my 80's thinking, "Where did my life go?" or even worse, "Why do I have nothing interesting about myself to tell my kids?" I want to have stories, to have tales to tell. When my children/grandchildren ask for a story, I want to be able to tell them one of mine. I want to amaze them with truth and honesty. And I want to encourage them to make their own stories. Good stories. Crazy stories. Fun stories. Unusual stories. Memories. And more memories. I want to document my life so that I never forget. So that my kids will be able to know me as best as they can. So THEY never forget. I want to be a role model to my loved ones. I want to be someone they can look up to. I want to be the one to tell them, "It's okay to be different. It's okay to let yourself shine. It's okay to be unusual and to make unusual memories." Those are the best kind, anyway. So what if your life story is not like everybody else's? So what if MY life story is not like everybody else's? I don't want to be like everybody else. Where is the fun in that? I want to tell them stories they have never heard before. Times that made me laugh. That made me cry. That taught me a lesson. Sorry, I am rambling. Back to the point: Why am I doing this? So that I can remember. So that I can pass my stories on.