Thursday, June 9, 2011

Christopher's Internship Interview

Today my fiance, Christopher, has an interview for an internship. His first one.

I am so proud of him.

He is so professional, friendly, thoughtful, creative. He is guaranteed to get it. I don't see how someone can NOT just fall in love with his personality right on the spot. 

I sure did. 
And so did my family. 
We just love him to pieces.

He doesn't even seem nervous. So confident in himself. I admire him.

He looks so cute in his tie.
Nice and neat, his face freshly shaven.
Oh yeah, and he smells delicious. =o)

As close to perfect as I could ever imagine.

I would be very excited to tie his tie, cook him breakfast, give him a smooch and a "Have a great day!" every morning of my life.

Good luck Christopher, you will do great!


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