Monday, November 14, 2011

Officially Employed!

So you know how I was complaining about not being able to get a job?

Well, you'll never guess! (Or maybe you can, since I kind of gave it away in the title.)

Anyway, yes, I GOT A JOB!

You can not imagine my excitement!! I had put in a zillion applications at all different kinds of places around town, and after a few pointless interviews, someone called me from one of those places for an interview that was actually worth my while! 

The interview went well: Quick and smooth. Elaine, my boss, is extremely nice and understanding. We talked like we were old friends. By the end of the conversation (it was more a conversation than an interview) she was telling me that I had the job. She said, "I like you. I like your smiling face." What a compliment, huh?!

She called the next day saying she wanted me to start immediately. So that night, I hurried to walmart (cause it was all that was open at the time, and I wanted to see if they had any sales.) to get my uniform for work. I was looking for "work clothes". Ha! I don't think anyone else in the world has ever been so excited to get work clothes before!

I needed khaki pants and a very light blue polo. Well, I already had khaki pants so I searched for the perfect polo. Then I spotted a clearance rack full of polos! Wow. That was easy! Of course I figured they had every color imaginable except for the one I needed. Then I saw it. It was just sitting there waiting for me. A perfectly pale, blue, short sleeved polo with cute little buttons, right on top. For three dollars! I grabbed a handful before anyone else spotted my awesome find and got out of there before anything happened to ruin the awesome day of mine.

I didn't sleep much that night because I was so excited to get up and get ready for work. (ha, work! I'm still getting used to saying I gotta go to work!)

So I walked into the building wearing my khakis and perfect polo, with a smile on my face. Elaine introduced me to everyone working and they were all very nice and welcoming. Most of the day me and the other "new girl" did paperwork. Lots and lots of paperwork. Even that was fun. It meant that, with my signature, I would be officially employed! After that, we went onto the "floor" (heh! work lingo.) to get some stuff done! She showed us around and told us where we would be working. Then we cleaned. I cleaned glass and the other girl dusted. (The president of the company was coming in the next day!) 

Elaine came up to us a little while later and asked, "Are you ready to go home?!" My answer was no. Lol. I did not want to go home, I wanted to stay and work! ...But they didn't let me, I had already been there for six hours. Haha. I flew home to tell Christopher all about my day and my new job.

I can't wait for the holiday crowd!!!! BRING IT ON!!! =D

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