Friday, July 15, 2011

Anniversary in Chattanooga

My fiance surprised me with an anniversary vacation. To Chattanooga! I'd never been there! It was our three year anniversary. Three years! We were both very excited. It was also our one year engagement anniversary.

I didn't know where we were going until we got there. He's so sneaky.

The first day Christopher took me to an art garden. There was beautiful sculptures and amazing buildings. Then we walked around downtown Chattanooga, just enjoying the town and each other. The second day he took me to Rock City and Ruby Falls. They were both incredible. I think I lost half my body weight through sweat, but I enjoyed every second of them both. That night we went on a ghost tour through the town. It was creepy and so much fun. My feet hurt so bad, but I tried not to complain because I was having the time of my life.

I can't believe that in the next few years me and Christopher will be married! I will have a wedding band on my finger and I will have his last name. I cannot wait for that day! I cannot wait to start a family!
Me and Christopher drinking old school coke in the art district.


  1. Awesome!! It's so great that you enjoy everything as much as you possibly can, despite the little things that could make other people uncomfortable :)

  2. There's really no point in complaining all the time when you could be enjoying the things around you :)
