Thursday, September 8, 2011

Kitty Kitty. I love you!

Dear Echo Monster,

This morning I woke up with you curled on my face.

I was sweating to death.

But I love that about you.

I love that you like to snuggle my face.

I would know something was wrong if I woke up and you weren't snuggling me.

You are snuggling me now, and I couldn't be happier.

You make me smile. You cheer me up when I'm sad. You calm me down when I'm angry.

You meow at me like your world is ending, when you really just want me to pick you up.

You follow me everywhere, even to the toilet.

You make me lazy.

I would love to just stay home all day and cuddle.

I love when you "make biscuits" on my neck. It hurts, but I know it just means that you love me.

Sometimes you bite my neck and face too. I'm trying to break you from that. Ouch.

You get mad when I wake you up. I'm sorry, but sometimes I need to pee.

I love you and your Daddy more than anything in this world.

You have gotten me through so much, I can't imagine being without you.

I can't wait till me and your Daddy can give you a big house to run in with lots of toys and things to climb on.

Hopefully, that will be soon!

I love you forever.

Love your Mommy

P.S. Stop trying to eat Boogie. He is not your lunch.


  1. nice photo
    check out

  2. Oh mylanta, you still have the bird! Haha I love it!

  3. Yep! I sure do. Echo tries to eat him. Bad kitty! *squirt squirt squirt!* (spray bottle haha)
