Thursday, October 20, 2011

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid!!!! (I am!)

Everybody is afraid of something.

Some are more afraid than others, and some let that fear control their lives.

That's when it becomes a phobia. A phobia is an extreme and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that can interfere with everyday life. About 18% of people suffer from a phobia.

These people that have phobias are aware that their fear is unreasonable and ridiculous, but they cannot control it.

I sympathize with these people. Why? Because I have a few phobias of my own.

First, for as long as I can remember, I have been claustrophobic. This means I am afraid of small spaces and of being constricted. I do not like small places like elevators and small bathrooms, especially if there are a lot of people to rub against me. I feel like I cannot breathe. But the worst thing for me is when my body is being constricted and I feel like I cannot move. I cannot have my hands, arms, legs, or feet held down, and I can't take it when I feel like I cannot move my fingers or toes. I have always taken off my shoes and socks whenever I can. When I was a baby, my parents were constantly trying to keep shoes and socks on my feet. I have recently realized that the reason was because my feet feel like they are being squeezed! Even tightly tucked bedsheets drive my feet crazy.

Another phobia of mine is: ichthyophobia. You have never heard of this I'm sure. That is the fear of fish. Ridiculous, I know! I cannot look at a fish, touching a fish is out of the question, even looking at a picture of a fish is torture. The funny part is, I used to go fishing with my dad. And you're not going to believe this: I used to scale and eat the fish! UCK! *shudders* I can't even stand writing that sentence. I have no idea why my view of fish has changed, but it definitely has. I even have horrible nightmares about them! The one I remember most distinctly: I was standing in a store, like walmart, with fish tanks all around. Everywhere. Stacked on top of each other to the ceiling. They were all filled with fish. There was nowhere I could go. I kept yelling, but nobody would come. Then they all came crashing down on me, breaking, leaving the fish on and around me. I have never been so afraid in my life. Other dreams I have about fish are usually about the same. I run and run and run and can never get away from the tanks. I run and scream and panic until I almost pass out. ...I hate fish.

Here's another strange one: cetaphobia. This is the fear of whales. (I have also heard it called phallainophobia, but that also includes other aquatic animals.) I know, I know. I'm crazy, right? It's not ike I've ever met a whale, or ever will! I live in Tennessee, not many whales out this way. Seeing a whale on tv is the worst thing I could see. Hearing the sound they make is even worse!! I am getting chills just thinking about it. I have to close my eyes and steady my breathing just to continue. I. Hate. Whales!

I have never been to the beach, but between my fear of fish and whales, I am perfectly fine with that. I would like to go, to experience the beauty of it, but I'm afraid... of being afraid!

I know I am not the only one with these fears, because, well, otherwise, they would not have a name. And I have read about others having the same problem.

I know you are afraid of something. Please share your fears with me, whether it is an extreme phobia or not. It might make you feel better, or at the very least, make me feel better! =)

(I usually put a picture at the bottom of my posts, but I refuse to put a picture of a nasty fish or a big scary whale!!!!!)

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