Friday, July 15, 2011

Cori crawls with my heart in her hands.

Cori is crawling.

Can you believe it? She is no longer the tiny baby she used to be. She is growing into a big girl. She sits there by herself and plays, and when she wants something else to play with, she crawls over to it and gets it! So independent. So grown up. Already.

Of course other things come along with the little ones growing up. Like throwing fits! Cori has learned to scream. And she has learned that we pay attention to her when she screams. This is where the discipline comes in. Mama and Dada, get ready!

Just the other day, I was leaving the house. I gave Mom and Cori a kiss goodbye and started to leave. Cori started to cry. She didn't want me to leave =( It was so sad. It's strange how we already have such a strong bond between us. I went back upstairs, of course, to give her another hug and kiss goodbye. She cried again. This could go on all day. LOL. I had to just bite my tongue, hold my breath, and walk out the door. It was hard to do.

She is my little angel. My sunshine and my cuppycake. She has my heart in her little tiny hands.

1 comment:

  1. She loves you! She has also learned that we look when she coughs. Haha she fakes it just so we'll look at her. That little stinker!!
