Saturday, July 23, 2011

10 Years!

My fiance had gotten me tickets to see 10 Years at a small venue in Nashville. A surprise of course, because we both love surprises. Especially surprises for no reason at all except that we love each other. This was one of those times.

I put on a cute "going out" outfit that I don't usually wear, because I don't ever have any place to wear it. Sequin-y top with jeans and flats. I sprayed my hair and put on make-up. (The shoes were a bad idea. I had blisters by the end of the night!)

We met our friends there: My sister, brother-in-law, Davy, Erica, my brother, El, and his new, very sweet and cute girlfriend.

Two bands performed that I had never heard of: Maylene & the Sons of Disaster and Adalene.
Maylene & the Sons of Disaster is a metalcore band from Alabama. Here is their website. Favorite song is Step Up. (Video on youtube.)
Adalene rocks from Nashville, TN. Here is the site. Be sure to listen to Little Sister. I like it best.
 I am a new fan of both bands.

Then, 10 years came on stage. Oh, boy!! There was only, I'd say, a hundred or a hundred and fifty people there, so we were pretty close to the stage! They were louder than the other bands, of course, so you could feel the music. That is the best part. When you can literally feel the music in your chest, in your feet, and in your bones. The crowd was amazing. Everybody was jumping, headbanging, fists in the air, and they were all singing every word to every song. The band thanked us for being the best crowd they had. They could feel the love and support, they said.

The last song they played was Shoot It Out. My favorite. I screamed all the words along with everybody else and jumped and flailed until it was over and I was out of breath. SUCH an amazing show.

The drummer broke quite a few sticks during the awesome amazing rock-fest. So he threw them into the crowd for souvenirs. My brother-in-law caught one, of course, cause he's lucky like that.

I, along with some other people, were scouring for lost picks or broken drumsticks left on the floor. I found a pocket knife. Not what I wanted, but hey at least I got something to bring home! Lol!

I will give you a link to the band's page and also their video of Shoot It Out so you can fall in love!

If you ever get a chance to see them live, do it! They put on one of the best shows I've ever seen. I have seen them twice and will still see them every chance I get!


  1. I've seen them numerous times, but I knew them from way back in the day...we won't talk about how old I am and stuff. I've never seen them do a "bad" show. Even when there were equipment failures, stumbles,'s all good lol. I'm so disappointed that I missed them this time around, but I'll catch up with them. I "did" however, get an email from one of them letting me know they were coming home for a bit. I just replied an "I'm sorry guys" and a proper cussing towards Lewis for cutting his freaking hair again! LOL.

  2. LOL! I think it looks better short! =)

  3. "When you can literally feel the music in your chest, in your feet, and in your bones."- Beautiful!

  4. I really liked Adalene too! This is a great blog Ginny. I'm glad it turned out to be a wonderful date for you!
