Tuesday, September 6, 2011

To Fly... (Part 1)

One of my favorite things in the world is flying. To feel weightless in the air, 37,000 feet high, is such an adrenaline rush. There is nothing else like it.

Seeing clouds from below is one thing; looking at them from above is something completely different. I think clouds are one of the most beautiful things in nature, but to be able to see the tops of them is just amazing. At this angle, it looks as if we are scooting over little, clumpy cotton balls, and they seem to be happy to see us, like they are helping us along, or prepared to cushion our fall. The wispy ones look like they want to play as we start to woosh past. And they do. They circle around us then wave goodbye.

The sun is setting and it also seems to be below us. It is an odd feeling being on top of the world, feeling so free. Lines of pink, blue, and yellow are on the horizon, bidding us goodnight. We are heading more into darkness and the tiny towns below us are flicking on lights. The cars look like little soldier ants with flashlights all marching toward their destinations.

It is very peaceful on board, nobody around me to bump elbows with or to snore on my shoulder. There are only a little over twenty passengers on this flight. It is dark inside, except for the little light on above my head. I feel like I am alone, like this is my own personal jet taking me wherever I want to go.

Outside is dark now, too. We are high enough that we can no longer see the towns under us, and everything seems to be still. The only thing I can see is the lights on the tips of the wings flashing into the clouds making it look as if it is raining. It's beautiful, even in darkness. 

I am in row seven. Not my lucky number, but only one down. Close enough. I already feel lucky just being able to experience this. I am sipping on wine and relaxing. Okay, not wine. Diet Dr. Pepper. But that doesn't sound quite as relaxing as wine. My tummy and ears are starting to feel our descent. I am turning off my light and enjoying the landing. 

1 comment:

  1. I read this before but didn't get to comment... I just wanted to say that Dr Pepper is most definitely sometimes as relaxing as wine.
