Thursday, October 13, 2011

Job Search

Finding a job is hard. We all know that. Well, I have been trying for a good while now with no luck.
I had an interview a week or so ago at an awesome book store. The interview went well. I had a good shot at getting it. I knew I would love that job.

I didn't get it =(

I have been really disappointed about it. It's such a rough competition trying to find employment. I guess others were more qualified than me for the position. But how do I gain experience when nobody will hire me because I have no experience? It feels like a big circle going around and around and I have no idea how to do anything different than what I am already doing.

Anyway, I don't really know why I'm writing about this except to express my feelings and ask if anybody else is going through this as well..I know other opportunities will come up and I will find a job eventually, but I'm still pretty down about the whole process. I desperately need a job to support myself. What else am I supposed to do??


  1. I understand how you feel, Ginny. You just have to hang in there. Remember, giving up is not an option! There are plenty of jobs out there. Just gotta go in there and punch some faces.


  2. LOL thanks for making me laugh :P

  3. Just remember that you're a talented little reject. :) Your photos are amazing and your blogs are very entertaining.
    What kind of work are you looking for? And where?
