Friday, June 17, 2011

Learn From What's Different

I am wondering why people think they are superior to others.

Yes, some people got lucky and have nicer genes, more money, a more supportive family. But that, by no means, makes them a better individual. Richer is not better. More attractive is not superior.

God created us all equal, so why can't we treat people the way they deserve to be treated? As equals?

I'll tell you what happens when people and their beliefs are not respected.
The Holocaust happens. Mass genocide happens. That is exactly why these horrible things happen, because somebody thinks they are better than others. Or one group feels superior to another group.

The Holocaust is a worst case scenario, I realize. But my questions are, Why did we all let it get that far? Will it happen again? Why did it happen in the first place? Why do people not realize what an important thing it is to respect others? How many people have to be killed? How many people have to take their own life before we realize that something has to change?

How would it feel to know someone thinks you are a low-down-no-good-piece-of-trash when you know you are not? When you have never done anything wrong to them nor anyone else? When you have never done anything but be the best that you can be?

Please think of this next time you judge somebody. Instead, think about how interesting they are because they are different from you. Think about what you could learn from them. You would be surprised.


1 comment:

  1. That is so true Ginny. It is so sad how some people treat others.

    Always be kind and understanding.
