Thursday, September 15, 2011

ENT Adventures

So I got an ear infection. I went to the doctor and they couldn't figure out what kind of infection it was. Antibiotics and pain meds weren't working. It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for the excruciating pain. This went on for three weeks. I never thought an ear infection could hurt so bad. I finally went to the ear, nose, and throat doctor and he fixed it no problem. Thank goodness!

Well, about a month and a half later... it comes back! Great. I knew exactly what it was right away so I call the ENT again to make an appointment. I had to wait a few days so the pain was back before I could get in with the doctor.

I get to my appointment ten minutes early. I thought maybe they would go ahead and call me in. Wishful thinking, I guess. I had to sit in the waiting room for an hour. Dear Lord, hurry up I'm in pain over here!!!! They finally called me back. Thank goodness. Not really. I had to sit in the room for another thirty minutes. Really?!

So the nurse decides to came in to take my blood pressure and temperature and all that important stuff. She puts the cuff on my arm, leaves to get something, and comes back. She takes my temperature and says, "Okay! We're all done!" And starts to leave the room, rolling her equipment with her. "Um, don't you need to take this cuff with you?" She left it on me and was going to drag me out the door with her! LOL. Oh geez.

Then the doctor comes in. Okay, now we can get the ball rollin'.
He takes me into another room because he is going to clean out my ear. I already knew that was going to happen, so I was ready to go. Last time it didn't hurt. This time it did.

So he cleans all the goop out of my ear. Ahh. I can hear! We have to go back into the first room to put in medicine, so I get up off the table and try to follow him. I guess he is in a hurry cause he is practically running. I try to keep up and......... run smack into the wall. I didn't just tap my shoulder on the door frame or something. I ran, full body, into the wall beside the door. I was probably two feet away from where I was supposed to be walking. Wow. Embarrassing! I couldn't help but laugh. Thankfully nobody saw me!

I think to myself, "If I can just make it to that room, right there, I can sit down then I'll be okay." I concentrate really hard and finally make it to that room.
I sat down and ask him, "Does that normally make people dizzy?"
"Yes. Always."
"Thanks for warning me BEFORE I slammed my face into the wall!!!"

I was so glad to get out of that place.
This stuff ONLY happens to me.

Thankfully, my ear is better. I have to put a cotton ball in my ear when I shower to keep water from going in there. Then drops after. Daily. Forever. It sucks, but if that's what I have to do, then I'll do it! Just as long as I never have to feel that excruciating pain ever again! :)


  1. Does this condition have a name? I always feel better when my ailments have names. :o)

    Seriously, I hope you don't have to go through this again -- ever! I agree, it would have been nice if he'd helped you into the other room, rather than run off and leave you flailing into walls! Maybe he thought you'd know what to expect, since you just went through it a little while ago. Did it not make you dizzy last time?

  2. It did. But I read online that it was the cold medicine in a warm ear that made you dizzy. The temperature difference. This time he didnt do that medicine so I wasn't expecting it. but wow! I will be next time! (hopefully there won't be a next time tho!) :)
    oh yeah, and I have no idea what it's called. It was a fungal infection, he said I was just getting water in there and it couldn't come out...
