Thursday, September 22, 2011

Adele - Lovesong

I absolutely LOVE this song. It is a cover of The Cure's Lovesong. But her version is better :)
This is dedicated to my sweet fiance, Christopher. I love you forever.

Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am young again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am fun again

However far away I will always love you
However long I stay I will always love you
Whatever words I say I will always love you
I will always love you

 [Painting by Danny Roberts]

Videos of Adele 
Adele - Somebody Like You

Please go listen to this song. It is the most beautiful song I have ever heard in my life. It gives me chills and makes me cry every single time. I can't stop listening to it.

Adele - Rolling In The Deep

This is the first song I heard by Adele. Like the rest of them, this is a heartbreak song, but a fun one :)

I Found A Boy by Adele

My favorite lyrics from the song:

I ain't yours for no taking,
You must be mistaken
I could never look in your eyes, and settle for wrong
And ignore the right

Well I found a boy who loves me more,
Than you ever did me before.
So stand beside the river you'll cry
And let yourself down!
Look how you want me now that I don't need you.

Admiring Adele

My newest addiction: the British singer/songwriter, Adele. She is a beautiful person with an unbelievable voice. The lyrics she writes are fantastic. I love every song of hers. So much soul and emotion bellows out of her, it captures you and allows every emotion you are feeling to explode from your heart, most likely spilling tears. She loves deeply and hurts deeply, as you can tell from her performances. She does not try to hide it. She does not try to hide who she is and what she feels. I admire her.
Go to her website and listen to her songs. I have to listen to at least one every day!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Invisible Illness Week

I am one day late for National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week. Although I think it should last all year 'round. But I will tell you what it's all about and what it means to me.

Invisible illnesses, any illnesses for that matter, are something we should all acknowledge. It can be physical, it can be mental, it can be just a series of symptoms. These diseases could be anything from cancer, autoimmune, or diabetes to something like migraines. Anything that causes pain can be included.

Most people, 1 in 2 people in fact, have some sort of illness that they have to deal with. 96% of them are invisible. Meaning, the person appears healthy on the outside and are not using a cane or any assistance device. Whether it be a "major" illness or a "minor" illness, they should all be considered significant because each of those people are suffering with pain and the frustration of trying to control it.

Physical illness or uncontrollable pain are the main factors in 70% of all suicides. We should all become more aware and educated about these illness and what the people around us are having to deal with.

If you have an illness, please educate the people around you. Maybe if more people understood, that suicide number would go down. All that people want in life is for people to understand or someone to listen. It is amazing what people can overcome with faith, love, and encouragement. Let your illness known so we all know who to direct our efforts toward.

You can fight your disease. It does not have to bring your spirit down. It does not have to drive away your family and friends. They are there to help lift you up.

Please watch this video. It is beautiful and inspiring to anyone who has or know somebody that has cancer.

Last Night's Dream

My sister and mom are cooking in the kitchen. I walk over to the fresh coconut they have recently cracked open. I scrape off a sliver of the crunchy, white fruit with my fingernail and bring it to my mouth. The milky, coconut taste is more refreshing than I ever imagined it could be.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Drive Through Crazies

Me and Christopher were at the speaker at the McDonald's drive through. We wanted some ice cream. Right after we gave our order, the lady said, er, yelled, "I AIN'T DOIN' IT!" ...... she waited a second, realizing her microphone was still on and said, "Oh........ Sorry." And we all laughed. We're like, "We just want our ice cream!" LOL. We pulled up to the window, all still laughing, and she apologized again, saying someone had told her to clean to deep fryer and she didn't want to. Lol! It was so funny =)

ENT Adventures

So I got an ear infection. I went to the doctor and they couldn't figure out what kind of infection it was. Antibiotics and pain meds weren't working. It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for the excruciating pain. This went on for three weeks. I never thought an ear infection could hurt so bad. I finally went to the ear, nose, and throat doctor and he fixed it no problem. Thank goodness!

Well, about a month and a half later... it comes back! Great. I knew exactly what it was right away so I call the ENT again to make an appointment. I had to wait a few days so the pain was back before I could get in with the doctor.

I get to my appointment ten minutes early. I thought maybe they would go ahead and call me in. Wishful thinking, I guess. I had to sit in the waiting room for an hour. Dear Lord, hurry up I'm in pain over here!!!! They finally called me back. Thank goodness. Not really. I had to sit in the room for another thirty minutes. Really?!

So the nurse decides to came in to take my blood pressure and temperature and all that important stuff. She puts the cuff on my arm, leaves to get something, and comes back. She takes my temperature and says, "Okay! We're all done!" And starts to leave the room, rolling her equipment with her. "Um, don't you need to take this cuff with you?" She left it on me and was going to drag me out the door with her! LOL. Oh geez.

Then the doctor comes in. Okay, now we can get the ball rollin'.
He takes me into another room because he is going to clean out my ear. I already knew that was going to happen, so I was ready to go. Last time it didn't hurt. This time it did.

So he cleans all the goop out of my ear. Ahh. I can hear! We have to go back into the first room to put in medicine, so I get up off the table and try to follow him. I guess he is in a hurry cause he is practically running. I try to keep up and......... run smack into the wall. I didn't just tap my shoulder on the door frame or something. I ran, full body, into the wall beside the door. I was probably two feet away from where I was supposed to be walking. Wow. Embarrassing! I couldn't help but laugh. Thankfully nobody saw me!

I think to myself, "If I can just make it to that room, right there, I can sit down then I'll be okay." I concentrate really hard and finally make it to that room.
I sat down and ask him, "Does that normally make people dizzy?"
"Yes. Always."
"Thanks for warning me BEFORE I slammed my face into the wall!!!"

I was so glad to get out of that place.
This stuff ONLY happens to me.

Thankfully, my ear is better. I have to put a cotton ball in my ear when I shower to keep water from going in there. Then drops after. Daily. Forever. It sucks, but if that's what I have to do, then I'll do it! Just as long as I never have to feel that excruciating pain ever again! :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Kitty Kitty. I love you!

Dear Echo Monster,

This morning I woke up with you curled on my face.

I was sweating to death.

But I love that about you.

I love that you like to snuggle my face.

I would know something was wrong if I woke up and you weren't snuggling me.

You are snuggling me now, and I couldn't be happier.

You make me smile. You cheer me up when I'm sad. You calm me down when I'm angry.

You meow at me like your world is ending, when you really just want me to pick you up.

You follow me everywhere, even to the toilet.

You make me lazy.

I would love to just stay home all day and cuddle.

I love when you "make biscuits" on my neck. It hurts, but I know it just means that you love me.

Sometimes you bite my neck and face too. I'm trying to break you from that. Ouch.

You get mad when I wake you up. I'm sorry, but sometimes I need to pee.

I love you and your Daddy more than anything in this world.

You have gotten me through so much, I can't imagine being without you.

I can't wait till me and your Daddy can give you a big house to run in with lots of toys and things to climb on.

Hopefully, that will be soon!

I love you forever.

Love your Mommy

P.S. Stop trying to eat Boogie. He is not your lunch.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

To Fly... (Part 1)

One of my favorite things in the world is flying. To feel weightless in the air, 37,000 feet high, is such an adrenaline rush. There is nothing else like it.

Seeing clouds from below is one thing; looking at them from above is something completely different. I think clouds are one of the most beautiful things in nature, but to be able to see the tops of them is just amazing. At this angle, it looks as if we are scooting over little, clumpy cotton balls, and they seem to be happy to see us, like they are helping us along, or prepared to cushion our fall. The wispy ones look like they want to play as we start to woosh past. And they do. They circle around us then wave goodbye.

The sun is setting and it also seems to be below us. It is an odd feeling being on top of the world, feeling so free. Lines of pink, blue, and yellow are on the horizon, bidding us goodnight. We are heading more into darkness and the tiny towns below us are flicking on lights. The cars look like little soldier ants with flashlights all marching toward their destinations.

It is very peaceful on board, nobody around me to bump elbows with or to snore on my shoulder. There are only a little over twenty passengers on this flight. It is dark inside, except for the little light on above my head. I feel like I am alone, like this is my own personal jet taking me wherever I want to go.

Outside is dark now, too. We are high enough that we can no longer see the towns under us, and everything seems to be still. The only thing I can see is the lights on the tips of the wings flashing into the clouds making it look as if it is raining. It's beautiful, even in darkness. 

I am in row seven. Not my lucky number, but only one down. Close enough. I already feel lucky just being able to experience this. I am sipping on wine and relaxing. Okay, not wine. Diet Dr. Pepper. But that doesn't sound quite as relaxing as wine. My tummy and ears are starting to feel our descent. I am turning off my light and enjoying the landing.