Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Angel From Heaven - Jackie Evancho

Two words: Jackie Evancho.

I'd say 3/4, if not more, of you recognize that name. So if you do not, get your butt in gear!!! You are missing out!

Three more words: Angel From Heaven.


This world is harsh. Sometimes even ugly.
It is hard to find beauty in the darkness.
But sometimes the most beautiful things show up when you least expect it.
Sometimes you don't have to search at all.

Jackie Evancho, a seemingly average little girl, is one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen.
I am convinced she was sent from Heaven to bring a light and joy to this world. To remind us that not all is lost, not all is broken. This world is still beautiful, and there are still good people in it. 
She has no idea of the impact she has made on this world.
Just sit down, clear your mind, relax, and listen to her beautiful voice. Really listen. Listen with your heart.

Her emotion, her spirit, lifts me to a place I cannot describe. 
It brings tears to my eyes and completely engulfs my soul.
She calms me and all I can think about is how beautiful she is.
How beautiful this world is. How beautiful my life is.

Count your blessings and find beauty in all things.

 Please do yourself a favor and listen to her.

May I suggest her song, Dark Waltz? :)


Friday, November 18, 2011

OPI Polish Review!

So I have been dying to get some new nail polishes.

Well I finally was able to get one the other day.
I got the new OPI Stranger Tides from the Pirates of the Caribbean collection.
I want all of the polishes in that collection, but I could only find one. I snatched it before anyone else could! There was ONE bottle left, out of all the colors. I guess they are pretty popular.

So this is what the bottle looks like.

I put on OPI's base coat first to allow the polish to stick to my nail better. If you do not use a base coat, the polish will start to chip sooner. Make sure you apply the base polish all the way to the tip.

Then I put on the Stranger Tides polish. This is what ONE coat looks like.

It is a little blurry, but you get the idea. It is streaky and you can see my nail through.
Most, if not all, polishes require more than one coat, but I thought I would show you what one coat looks like.

I put on another coat, fairly thick. Some of my nails needed one more coat if I did not put the 2nd coat on thick enough.
Here is what it looks like after finishing.

You should always use a good top coat last. Some top coats are better than others, you will just have to try some out and see which you like best. You get what you pay for most of the time. I hate spending lots of money on nail polishes, but it is worth it.
I do not have a top coat on in this picture because I couldn't find it =(
Top coat makes it shiny and protects the polish underneath. And also keeps it from chipping so easily. 

These pictures are pretty close to the actual color. Computer screens vary and the colors may be slightly different, but on my screen it is pretty close. It looks a little different under different lighting anyway.
It is almost turquoise, but grey-er. lol. Green, turquoise, grey. Very pretty and different. 
I get lots of compliments when I wear this color.
Also, if you see the bottle in the store, the color you see is the color that goes on your nails. Maybe just a tiny bit darker on your nails, but almost exactly the same.
It goes on smooth and creamy! It is not hard to get off either. 

I love this color and I definitely want to get the rest of the Pirates of the Caribbean collection, they are all so pretty! I can't wait to do some nail art with this color!!!

Let me know what you think of this color if you have tried it!! Oh yeah, I got mine at Kroger =P but you can get it online at amazon or ebay.

Can't wait for Pirates of the Caribbean 5!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Officially Employed!

So you know how I was complaining about not being able to get a job?

Well, you'll never guess! (Or maybe you can, since I kind of gave it away in the title.)

Anyway, yes, I GOT A JOB!

You can not imagine my excitement!! I had put in a zillion applications at all different kinds of places around town, and after a few pointless interviews, someone called me from one of those places for an interview that was actually worth my while! 

The interview went well: Quick and smooth. Elaine, my boss, is extremely nice and understanding. We talked like we were old friends. By the end of the conversation (it was more a conversation than an interview) she was telling me that I had the job. She said, "I like you. I like your smiling face." What a compliment, huh?!

She called the next day saying she wanted me to start immediately. So that night, I hurried to walmart (cause it was all that was open at the time, and I wanted to see if they had any sales.) to get my uniform for work. I was looking for "work clothes". Ha! I don't think anyone else in the world has ever been so excited to get work clothes before!

I needed khaki pants and a very light blue polo. Well, I already had khaki pants so I searched for the perfect polo. Then I spotted a clearance rack full of polos! Wow. That was easy! Of course I figured they had every color imaginable except for the one I needed. Then I saw it. It was just sitting there waiting for me. A perfectly pale, blue, short sleeved polo with cute little buttons, right on top. For three dollars! I grabbed a handful before anyone else spotted my awesome find and got out of there before anything happened to ruin the awesome day of mine.

I didn't sleep much that night because I was so excited to get up and get ready for work. (ha, work! I'm still getting used to saying I gotta go to work!)

So I walked into the building wearing my khakis and perfect polo, with a smile on my face. Elaine introduced me to everyone working and they were all very nice and welcoming. Most of the day me and the other "new girl" did paperwork. Lots and lots of paperwork. Even that was fun. It meant that, with my signature, I would be officially employed! After that, we went onto the "floor" (heh! work lingo.) to get some stuff done! She showed us around and told us where we would be working. Then we cleaned. I cleaned glass and the other girl dusted. (The president of the company was coming in the next day!) 

Elaine came up to us a little while later and asked, "Are you ready to go home?!" My answer was no. Lol. I did not want to go home, I wanted to stay and work! ...But they didn't let me, I had already been there for six hours. Haha. I flew home to tell Christopher all about my day and my new job.

I can't wait for the holiday crowd!!!! BRING IT ON!!! =D

Friday, November 4, 2011

A. Kawasaki - Unbelievable Artist

Today, I stumbled across something that I cannot believe I have never seen before.

Audrey Kawasaki is not only an artist, she is an unbelievably amazing artist! Please click on that link and check out her work. The things she imagines and creates are simply gorgeous. Not that her work is simple, because it surely is not. I would LOVE to have her artwork hanging on my wall. Beautiful pieces of inspiration. I can look at her art all day and never get bored.  Most of her paintings are on wood and that gives them texture and color that is just amazing. She has her own style that cannot be imitated. I love it.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Respiratory Care Week

Respiratory Care Week is October 23-29!

"Respiratory therapists evaluate, treat, and care for patients with breathing or other cardiopulmonary disorders."
First of all, I am alive today because of respiratory therapists. Because I was born early, my lungs were not developed completely. What if there was not a therapist present? I would not have had a chance. I was fighting to breathe, and fighting to live. That respiratory therapist fought with me and gave me the chance to live.

In my first few years of life I was still sometimes struggling to breathe. When I would get sick, my asthma would act up. Quite a few times it turned into pneumonia and I had to be hospitalized. Respiratory therapists were there to take care of me and always did their job well.

The therapists were so caring and helpful. They took care of me, this baby girl that they didn't even know, and made me feel better.

My mom is a respiratory therapist today because of the wonderful experience she had in a not so wonderful time in our lives. Now she is helping people, young and old, to feel better just like they did for me so many years ago.

Thank you to all respiratory therapists out there for saving lives.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Same ol' Five Finger Death Punch.

Five Finger Death Punch released a new album called American Capitalist.

It is heavy, chunky, and screamy. Just like the other albums. As a matter of fact it is pretty much exactly the same as the others. Same voice patterns, same riffs, same double base, same growls, same subject matter (meaning he hates his ex... and everybody... and he will never be good enough for anybody and nobody cares).
This album is supposed to be based on evolving. "Either you change with the tides or get swept away in their wake. Either you can grow or you can stagnate." But honestly, it doesn't sound like they've changed at all. Still the same. Except for their very cheezy song "Remember Everything". Uck.

On a more positive note, if you have never heard any of 5FDP's songs, go take a listen. I will give you a few of my favorites.

Bad Company from the album War Is The Answer

And the whole The Way of the Fist album. That is the best one. I tried to pick favorites from the album, but I honestly love them all. And make sure you listen to Never Enough. It is a bonus track that can easily be overseen. But it is a good one =)

Let me know what you think about the new album. Or the band in general!

I have this sticker in my car window =) Love the spiky brass knuckles!

Evanescence "smacks you in the face"!

After five years of silence from Evanescence, they release a comeback album! The band has recently replaced some members that had left the band. Which, in my opinion, was a very good move because it gave the band a whole new sound. It still has the Evanescence feel, but it's not like anything they have recorded before. It is self titled, which was another good move in my opinion, because it is the beginning of a new band. Amy Lee, front woman and pianist, uses phrases like "it smacks you right in the face", and "its all over the place". Meaning that there is not a specific feel for the album. Every song is different. It is also the heaviest album she has done so far. I'm loving that about it!
I have always been a huge fan of the band, and have their other cd's and listen to them often. (I pretty much know every word to Fallen.) They are excellent, but I was ready for something slightly different. And that is exactly what they did, and what they needed to do. That way people don't get bored.
One of the best things about Amy Lee is her piano music. This new album is not piano heavy like her other albums, but it still has that beautiful piano in some of the songs. (Especially number six!) I'm glad they didn't cut that out completely, because that is one of the things that defines Evanescence. The new album is a perfect combination of heavy chunky riffs and flowing melodies. (I'm loving the drums in "The Other Side"!) And her voice, is amaaaazing, like usual.
She uses the word "fun" to describe the album. They had tons of fun making the album, and the album in itself is fun and something you can groove to. I am very happy with their new sound and glad they have recorded something they are proud of. Rock on guys!

Look for this album... and buy it!!!