Friday, June 17, 2011

Learn From What's Different

I am wondering why people think they are superior to others.

Yes, some people got lucky and have nicer genes, more money, a more supportive family. But that, by no means, makes them a better individual. Richer is not better. More attractive is not superior.

God created us all equal, so why can't we treat people the way they deserve to be treated? As equals?

I'll tell you what happens when people and their beliefs are not respected.
The Holocaust happens. Mass genocide happens. That is exactly why these horrible things happen, because somebody thinks they are better than others. Or one group feels superior to another group.

The Holocaust is a worst case scenario, I realize. But my questions are, Why did we all let it get that far? Will it happen again? Why did it happen in the first place? Why do people not realize what an important thing it is to respect others? How many people have to be killed? How many people have to take their own life before we realize that something has to change?

How would it feel to know someone thinks you are a low-down-no-good-piece-of-trash when you know you are not? When you have never done anything wrong to them nor anyone else? When you have never done anything but be the best that you can be?

Please think of this next time you judge somebody. Instead, think about how interesting they are because they are different from you. Think about what you could learn from them. You would be surprised.


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Christopher's Internship Interview

Today my fiance, Christopher, has an interview for an internship. His first one.

I am so proud of him.

He is so professional, friendly, thoughtful, creative. He is guaranteed to get it. I don't see how someone can NOT just fall in love with his personality right on the spot. 

I sure did. 
And so did my family. 
We just love him to pieces.

He doesn't even seem nervous. So confident in himself. I admire him.

He looks so cute in his tie.
Nice and neat, his face freshly shaven.
Oh yeah, and he smells delicious. =o)

As close to perfect as I could ever imagine.

I would be very excited to tie his tie, cook him breakfast, give him a smooch and a "Have a great day!" every morning of my life.

Good luck Christopher, you will do great!


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Typical Day As Me

So I had quite an eventful day.

My sister asked me if I wanted to go with her to town to take her 6 month old to the doctor for her routine check-up. Of course, wanting to spend as much time as possible with them, I said yes.

The day started out pretty good. I didn't want to get up out of my cozy cocoon, as usual, but seeing Cori's sweet face made me want to get up and play as quickly as possible.

In order to keep from walking like a zombie, I made a stout pot of coffee. Starbucks French Roast. Mmm. In fact, that is what I am doing now, snuggling up with my coffee cup. And yes, it is almost nine thirty at night. But I simply cannot resist.

So after my coffee, we got the baby and ourselves ready to go. In that order of course. Because baby always comes first whether you realize it or not. Baby fed? Check. Diaper changed? Check. Her face washed? Check. Toys, sippy, snacks? Check, check, check! Ok, we're ready! Oh wait, I forgot to put my pants on...

So after we were completely ready, pants and all, we were off to the doctor! Well, it wasn't as simple as we thought it would be. We had to put the car seat in my car, which isn't really baby-friendly. Of course we had the bright idea to put it behind the driver's seat. My seat. Just to give you a visual, my car is very low to the ground and the seats are leaned back like in a cool dude's ride. Not that I am a cool dude, it's just that they are not comfortable any other way. So when the little chubster was all buckled in, I went to put my seat back to it's original position, and, well, it didn't go back to it's original position because of the car seat. Instead, it had to be pushed all the way up and the back was straight up and down. Actually, it was past straight up and down. It turned into a taco. So I squeezed in there, sucking my belly in. I didn't exactly fit. My knees were in the dash, and my chin was over the steering wheel. Well, I couldn't do much about it, because we were in a hurry, like normal, so I had to just drive. I would have let my sister drive, but her legs are longer. Her knees would have been at her ears.

Well, the doctor visit went well. Baby Bean got three routine shots. The poor thing. She was not happy about it, but she got back to babbling in no time, saying da-da-da-da-da. That is her new sound she learned. :)

Getting in the car, an ugly, noisy, red-eyed cicada landed on my bare arm. I flicked him, and he decided to get me back by going up my skirt. Son of a...

Then, we went to see Mimi at work! We could not get a hold of her because she was busy and working hard. So we waited. Then we decided to go to her department and wait for her there, since it had AC. We waited some more. Our tummies were gurgling. We discussed cannibalism. But ate a few baby puffs instead. Mimi finally showed up! YES! Fooood! She went straight for the baby, wanting to show her off to all her friends. There was a crowd around wanting to see. We are used to this by now. So we waited for Mimi to get done boasting. Waiting. Waiting. Okay mom, we're really hungry.

We went on down to the cafeteria to wait for Mimi to get her work done, and to feed the little one. Waited some more. Waiting... She's here! So we got food, finally, and scarfed it down like we had never eaten before. Nothing interesting there. The interesting part came when this cleaner guy flew by on the other side of the windows, riding something. I'm thinking, okay, he's cleaning the floors with one of those buffer things. He was going faster than I thought those things could even go. And he went back and forth about five times. Okay, that hallway is not that wide. Lol. Every time he would fly by, my sister and I would just crack up. Without saying anything. Cause we have a special connection and a language of our own that does not require words. Mom was like, what are you laughing at?! So after thirty minutes of laughing, sister says, ooooooh he must be cleaning the floors. Uhh, DUH! What the heck did you think he was doing?! Hahahaha!! So there we went again, laughing so hard that it echoed. We decided it was time to leave.

THEN, I remembered that I needed to get gas.

Now here is where the story gets really interesting.

I go past Kroger, which is where I need to get gas. No biggie, there was another entrance on the other side. I do that kind of thing all the time.

So I pull up to the pump next to this really nice black SUV. My sister goes to prepay. I keep the car on and wait for her to get back. She comes back so I get out and go to start pumping. She's like, um you gotta turn off your engine. Oh my gosh, I can't believe I forgot to turn off my car. What an idiot I am.

So I turned off the engine. Shut the door. Made sure the pump said it was ready to begin fueling. I went to open the tank and I couldn't find it? I know it is here somewhere?? OMG. I parked on the wrong side!!! Hahahaha!!!! I told my sister and of course, we laughed so hard I almost peed myself. WOW, now that's embarrassing.
Now I will remind you, I have had this car for three years and have gotten gas many times. I have no idea why I did that. Since we had already paid for that certain pump, I had to get in and back up so I could turn around and pull in from the other side. BEFORE someone else stole my prepaid pump. And without waking the baby.

Well, I pulled in, the right way, and the guy fueling the SUV beside me was laughing. He said, You wanna know a hint? Of course I do, anything would help at this moment. He said on most cars, beside the gas gauge, there is a picture of a gas pump. If it is on the right side, that is where your gas tank is. And if on the left, that is where your tank is. Ohmygosh, I so did not know that! Thank you so much! (He probably thought I was 16 and just got my first car. Hahaha!)

Okay, so I walked around to the passenger's side, where the tank actually is, and went to open it. OMG again. I forgot to pull the stupid lever that releases the door on the tank. It's on the driver's side. Instead of having to walk all the way back around, and having that guy see me, I made my sister pull it. She couldn't find it so I was trying to direct her to the stupid thing, so I'm sure he saw me anyways, and knew I really was an idiot.

Okay, geez. I can start fueling. That went fine, thankfully. I didn't spill it or anything, like I expected.

I went to get my receipt. And I always feel stupid waiting for it, staring at the gas pump, when it never spits out anything.

Okay, well, no receipt. I walked back around to get in, and realized that not only did I leave the little door open, I forgot to put the lid back on the tank! They were both hanging there, wide open. OMG once again. Can I really have this much bad luck at ONE gas station? Or am I just THAT stupid?! And yes, the guy in the fancy SUV saw me be stupid. Of course. He drove off laughing.

FINALLY after thirty minutes of getting just $20 in gas, I could finally squeeze back in my car and leave.

We made it home alright, in case you were wondering. We expected to hit a flying turtle or something, the way our luck and weird day was going!

Let's see what tomorrow brings...
At least my life is never boring.  :)
